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2018-09-24 自译外文 经验/观点 原作者: Shawn Park 举报 1810 2 2 0

How and why I redesign my portfolio every year

Lessons learned over six iterations of annual portfolio redesign.



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I just pushed the sixth iteration of my portfolio, which builds on from last year’s Korea theme. You can check it out here.

我刚刚推出了第六次迭代后的作品集,它是在去年的韩国风的基础上创建的。 你可以在这里查看。


I made my very first portfolio website in 2013. Since then, I’ve pushed myself to redesign my portfolio every summer, looking back on the lessons, documenting new projects, and applying new skills.


Yes, it’s a lot of work — I spend an entire summer for each portfolio redesign. But the fruit of the labor is definitely sweet. I can definitely say annual portfolio redesign is one of the major reasons why I grew so much as a designer in the past five years, and I’d highly encourage other designers to give it a try as well. Here are the why, how, and the lessons I’ve learned over the course of my six years of annual portfolio redesign.

无可厚非,这是项大工程 - 我花了整整一个夏天来重新设计每个项目。 但劳动的成果确实是甜蜜的。 我可以肯定地说,每年对作品集进行更新是我在过去五年中作为设计师迅速成长的主要原因之一,我也非常鼓励其他设计师尝试一下。 以下是我在六年的年度作品集重新设计过程中学到的目的,方法和经验教训。

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The Why


1. To reflect on what I’ve learned in the past year.


I learn so many new things each year, from new tech and design skills to even how I approach product design process. I then apply these learnings to my annual portfolio redesign. In the last year’s redesign, for example, I used React.js, which was my biggest learning from the year before. Using React makes it super easy to reuse commonly used components like carousels, keeping the code more modular and maintaining the user experience consistent across the site.

我每年都学到很多新东西,从新的技术和设计技能到产品设的计过程。然后,我将这些知识应用到我的作品集的重新设计中。 例如,在去年的更新中,我使用了React.js,这是我一年前学到的最多东西。 使用React可以非常轻松地重用常用组件(如轮播),使代码更加模块化,并保持整个站点的用户体验一致。

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Designing Thumbnail Series component in React makes it super easy to reuse the component across the site.


2. To update what I’ve been working on.


Every year, I keep my portfolio updated with new projects from work, freelance, and side projects. This is important especially because I work at a fast-changing startup, Blitz. Blitz has changed its focus from a mobile news app (2016) and an esports publication (2017) to a desktop gaming insights app (2018). That’s why it’s important to keep my portfolio updated, in order to document my journey at Blitz and create a best representation of where I am at in my career.

每年,我都会通过工作上,兼职和业余项目中的新项目更新我的作品集。 这一点非常重要,特别是在快速变化的创业公司Blitz工作。 Blitz已将其重点从移动新闻应用(2016)和电子竞技出版物(2017)转变为桌面游戏洞察应用(2018)。这就是为什么持续更新作品集非常重要--便于记录我在Blitz的经历,并创造一个我职业生涯中最佳代表作。

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Blitz changed many times throughout the years, and so did my case studies.


3. To get creative without constraints.


Working on my portfolio redesign is one of the rare opportunities where I can be 100% creative with my work. It’s my website— I am the only stakeholder in this project. As such, I can focus on creating a design that’s unique to myself and try something unconventional without worrying about the opinions of the stakeholders. Sometimes as a product designer, you resort to conventional, safe methodologies as you design interfaces that meet the business and product goals. That’s why you should still dedicate some time to flex your creative muscle, and working on your portfolio is a perfect workout.

通过作品集的重新设计是我在工作中100%发挥创造性的难得机会之一。 这是我的网站 - 我是这个项目的唯一利益相关者。 因此,我可以专注于创建一个独特的设计,并尝试非传统的东西,而不必担心利益相关者的意见。 有时作为产品设计师,在设计满足业务和产品目标的交接点时,你需要墨守成规。 这就是为什么你仍应该花一些时间来发挥你的创造力,并且你的作品集是一个完美的锻炼机会。

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The new about page featuring bold typography, Korean calligraphy, and a few insta pics.

新的介绍页面中的大胆的排版,韩国书法和一些 insta 图片。

The How




I kicked off this year’s design by first evaluating what worked and didn’t work in the previous version:


The Good


Theme: It was something unique to myself, embracing and conveying my Korean identity by getting inspirations from Korean art.

Depth of case study: Case studies were super thorough and in-depth, documenting the process and rationale behind the design decisions.

React.js: Using react.js made it super easy for me to create reusable, scalable components like carousels and thumbnail series for case studies.




The Bad


Navigation didn’t work as intended: I had originally wanted people to click on one of the featured case studies — Blitz and Box — but it turned out the number one most visited page was about page.

导航没有按预期工作:我原本希望人们点击其中一个特色案例研究 - 闪电战和Box - 但事实证明,访问次数最多的页面是关于页面。

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I didn’t know people would be that curious about my personal life.


Case studies don’t speak for itself: There was way too much text for case studies. Most people spent less than 2 minutes on each case study, just glancing at the thumbnails.


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I spent a lot of time on this, but unfortunately it’s just a wall of text for most visitors.


Visual polish: It turned out the web font for Neue Haas Unica didn’t render properly on the live website, ending up with much larger kerning than intended. The spacing could’ve been more generous as well, since I am designing a portfolio website catered towards design-savvy audience, not a functional app.

视觉上的润色:事实证明Neue Haas Unica的网页字体在网站上没有正确呈现,最终得到了比预期更大的字距。 留白更大可以更好一些,因为我设计的是一个作品集网站,迎合的是精通设计的受众,而不是一个实用的应用。



From the evaluations, I kept the theme Korea, but redesigned the website from the ground up. The goal for this year was to answer the question “How can I build on from last year’s Korea theme to be as perfect as possible?”

从评估中,我保留了主题韩国,但从头开始重新设计了网站。 今年的目标是回答这个问题:“我如何能够从去年的韩国风格中,尽可能完美?”

Improved Navigation


I went for a menu drawer (hamburger) instead of a sticky tab navigation to minimize distraction from the content and deemphasize the about page. I also placed a much stronger emphasis on the featured projects — Blitz, Box, and Witeboard — to get more people to land on those case studies.

我选择了菜单抽屉(汉堡包),而不是悬浮导航,以尽量减少对内容的干扰,并突出介绍页面。 我还更加突出了特色项目 - 闪电战,Box和Witeboard - 让更多人参与这些案例分析。

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The new navigation drawer highlights featured projects more than anything else.


Let the work speak for itself


Each case study now has larger thumbnails with captions instead of long blurbs of paragraphs. If the work itself is good, there’s no need to describe the role of each interface element in detail.

每个案例分析现在都有更大的缩略图,并带着标题说明而不是长段落文字。 如果作品本身很好,则无需详细描述每个界面元素的作用。

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Case studies now have much larger thumbs and captions instead of long blurbs of paragraphs.


It’s ok to be a little bold.


There’s now more generous spacing, wider gutter, and more meticulous attention to typography all around. Remember that I’m designing a portfolio site mostly for design-savvy people, not a functional app for people in 50’s. It’s ok to get a little crazy.


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A little more “ooh’s and ahh’s” for the transition. Functional? Eh. It’s sick tho.


You can check out the 6th redesign of my portfolio site here.



Tips and Lessons


1. Make it unique to yourself


Take a moment to think about how you can make your portfolio website unique to yourself. In particular, the header of your home page above the fold is the area where you can be 100% you and land a striking first impression. Don’t be basic and just write “I’m John Smith. Product Designer at Facebook” in Helvetica or Noe Display. Think about what makes you unique — you could use your cultural heritage, or maybe your background, like a physicist that became a designer — as an inspiration for your design direction.

花一点时间思考一下如何让自己的作品集网站独一无二。 特别是,首页顶部是你可以百分之百展现自我并给人留下好印象的第一窗口。 不要放太平凡的信息,只写“我是约翰史密斯。Facebook的产品设计师,在Helvetica或Noe Display工作”。 想想是什么让你与众不同 - 你可以用你的文化传统,或者你的文化背景,就像一个成为设计师的物理学家 - 作为你设计方向的灵感。

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You can just tell it’s about Canada. https://designcanada.com/

2. It needs to serve a purpose.


You should still treat your portfolio just like any other product — you should think about who’s your audience and define the goals of your website. Depending on the audience and the goal, you should think about:

你仍应像对待任何其他产品一样对待你的作品集 - 你应该考虑谁是你的受众并定义网站的目标。 根据受众和目标,你应该考虑:

What do you want to get out of your website? Maybe you want to land a job. Maybe you just want to have some fun. Depending on your goal, you should balance out how much you want to focus on function vs. form.

What’s one page you really want your users to see? Your navigation should optimize for landing the users on that page.

What do you want your users to do after they have explored your site? You should probably have a strong call to action, especially in header and footer.

你想从你的网站上得到什么? 也许你想找一份工作。或许你只是想要一些乐趣。 根据你的目标,你应该平衡好希望被关注的功能与形式的关系。

你真正希望用户看到的是哪一页? 你的导航应该进行优化,以便在该页面上的用户使用。

你希望用户在浏览你的网站后做些什么? 你可能应该采取强有力的行动按钮,尤其是在顶部和页尾中。

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Optimized for landing new opportunities: http://b-berger.com/

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Optimized for funsies: https://letasobierajski.com/

3. But it’s ok to get crazy.


At the same time, remember that you are designing a portfolio website, not an app or a promotional site for your company. Your audience will most likely be a bunch of techies who are looking at your work on a giant 27" monitor in 1920x1080 screen res (this is true story from metrics from my portfolio site.) You have room to be generous with spacing, go bold with typography, and try something eccentric. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice just a bit of usability for a touch of delight and personality. This is one of the few cases where you can and should be really yourself when it comes to design.


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Spinning circle CTA, two links that does the same thing, and a ton of spacing. But it’s pretty. http://matthewvernon.co/

4. Let your work speak for itself.


“Show, Don’t tell.” — this is the rule of thumb you should be following when it comes to case studies. You should still describe your design process and the rationale behind your design decisions in detail. But you shouldn’t go so in depth to the point where you are explaining every pixel and end up writing an essay. Keep your writing to a minimum and try to prove your point with your design comps. Make sure your thumbs are large enough (either container width or full screen) and keep it distraction-free. If your work is good, it wouldn’t require an in-depth explanation. It should speak for itself.

“展示而不是空谈。” - 在案例分析中,这是你应该遵循的经验法则。 你仍应详细描述设计过程以及设计决策背后的基本原理。 但是你不应该深入到解释每个像素并最终写一篇文章的地步。 将你的文字保持在最少限度,并尝试用设计作品证明你的观点。确保你的内容足够大(宽的DIV容器或全屏)并确保它免受干扰。 如果你的作品很好,就不需要深入解释。 它应该说明一切。

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Ueno has hands down some of the best case studies. https://ueno.co/

5. Be selective about your work.


Make sure you curate your best works, which should be no more than three. Having too many case studies will distract your visitors from exploring your best works. Spend time thinking about how you can optimize your navigation to land your visitors to your best works, and make sure case studies for those best works are thorough enough. It’s also important to show a wide breadth of work from multiple categories (consumer, enterprise, fintech, gaming, etc) and multiple platforms (mobile, desktop, web, marketing website, etc). It might be good to have 1–3 featured projects, which are your best works to date, and 3–4 other projects just to show you have worked on projects from wide range of audiences and platforms.


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3drops does a great job showcasing only the important projects and hides miscellaneous projects. https://3dro.ps/

Last but not least, have fun.


When I was a kid, I used to spend days and nights just working on my personal website in HTML because it was fun creating an online presence of myself. Sure, I wouldn’t count them as my “professional portfolio,” but that same passion from childhood is what drives me to work on my portfolio today. It never feels like work. It’s just another hobby of mine like games, and that mindset allows me to get more creative when designing my site.


That’s why I want to end this post with the last piece of tip — have fun. I’ve met so many designers who are stressed over building their portfolios, and that’s a perfect recipe for a designer’s block. This is your chance to be 100% you — unlimited room for creativity and expression. You can take as much time as you want, use whatever tech you want, and design however you want. Seriously, you don’t get opportunities like this often (if ever). Enjoy it.

这就是为什么我想用最后一段提示结束这篇文章 - 玩得开心。我见过很多设计师,他们在构建自己的作品集时都很紧张,而这些对于设计师来说是一个完美的诀窍。这是你100%表达自己的机会 - 在创造和表达上你有无限的空间。你可以花费你想要花费的时间,使用你想要的任何技术,并根据你的需求进行设计。说真的,你经常没有这样的机会(如果有的话)。好好享受。

As I finish this year’s redesign, I’m already excited to think about what directions I want to take for next year’s redesign. I can’t wait to see how much I’d grow as a designer in the next years to come, and share my new portfolio with everyone each year.



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      2018-09-24 自译外文 经验/观点 原作者: Shawn Park 举报 1810 2 2 0






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